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Swami Vivekananda

Quick Facts

Occupation : Teacher

Born : Jan. 12, 1863

Died : July. 4, 1902 (aged 39)

Nationality : Indian

Education : B.A. and Master of Spirituality

Guru : Ramakrishna

Founder : Ramakrishna Mission (1897)

Influenced : Vinod Kumar (Educator)


Swami Vivekananda is the great personality of world . His biography  inspired large number of  people . Many people of world also influenced from the life of Swami Vivekanand . His moral thought, his motivational books and his lecture in Chicago are all real assets.

His life is real guidance for live better life .

 Swami Vivekananda inspired all with his words

 " Help and Support to needy and helpless human being is the worship of God

 SvTuition  had made it its mission. It is online school free education for all 


Swami Vivekananda was born in 12 Jan 1863 in Kolkata . He took birth in the house of Dat family . The mother of Swami Vivekananda was Shri Bhuvnashavri Devi. Swami Vivekananda was born at 6:49 A.M. before rising of Sun. Dat family was filled with happiness. Everywhere were happiness on the birth of Swami Vivekananda .Because today was the birthday of great monk of India. He will do all welfare work for humanity of world . The name of Swami Vivekananda's father was Shri Vishavnath Dat . He was very progressive type person .Swami Vivekananda's grandfather had become monk and left house when his father was only 25 years old.

His dear mother thought that he got his child from lord Mahadeva so she gave him first name Vireshver . But father speaks him with Narendernath. But in family all people says Swami Vivekananda as Bile . So this name become his loving name in society and in family . His father was an Advocate but he was also lover of poems . He also see Muslim religion with the eye of respect . His mother is devotee and she read Ramayana and Mahabharata daily in her house . So she gave good moral Values to Swami Vivekananda in the beginning of Life .


There was no son of dat family before the birth of Swami Vivekananda. There were four daughters out of them two were dead. Both husband and wife were very sad. After birth of Swami Vivekananda in 12 Jan 1863, his parent felt happy. The Ceremony of his parent affected the thinking of Swami Vivekananda. In his house, his mother daily read the book of Ramayana .So rite of his mother helped Swami Vivekananda in whole life. Due to Sacrament of his Grandfather he became monk just in the age of 25 years.

Quality of leadership was in Swami Vivekananda from his childhood . He had said that a human being can make leader but it is God gift . He got the position of leader in games , songs and every other subject . Due to his extra ordinary intellect , his competitors had to accept his decisions .

He did not believe in Hindus ' untouchability and casteism.

He often asked the mother about following questions

What happened if a servant go to kitchen and touch the bread .

Why should wash the hand , if drinking water with left hand .

He stunned every one with these questions . Thus , in lap of his parent , Narandernath's childhood spent . His childhood was supernatural . His mother's teaching was very useful for becoming Swami Vivekananda from Narendernath .

He loved his mother tongue from beginning of his life . You do not know , in childhood , Swami Vivekananda disliked to learn English language . But after his mother guidance , he started to learn English . He was very intelligent in learning . His memory was very sharp . 


Narendra when was studying in general Assembly organisation , he came into connection with different new concepts of life . He read dekarte , bain , Darvon and Spencer , Shelly and higal . Within very short time he had studied whole Western philosophy . He became well educated in Western knowledge. But his thirst to get truth was not at end by reading them . He always spent his time to read knowledgeable books . He translated Spencer’s book on Education into Bengali for Gurudas Chattopadhyaya . Within short time , he got special place in the heart of Western professors with his intelligence and good logic capability . Where he went he left his his mark of good character . 

Dr. William Hastie, the principal of Scottish Church College said ,

" He is brilliant student . I have gone to whole world but I have never come across a lad of his talents and possibilities, even in German universities, among philosophical students."

In 1884, Swami Vivekananda had passed the BA Exam. and Got BA Degree.

 Study in Spirituality

Swami Vivekananda linked Brahmo Samaj when he was studying in Scottish Church College 1881-84 . Brahmo Samaj was an an religious organization of that time. He often attended the meetings of Brahmo Samaj, which believed in formless God, deprecated the worship of idols and devoted itself to religious reforms. He met the leaders of Brahmo Samaj—Devendranath Tagore and Keshub Chandra Sen, questioning them about the existence of God, but he could not get convincing answers . So , he started his new search for finding that person who can answer his problems regarding soul and God .

Swami Vivekanands's connection with Ramakrishna

Swami Vivekananda connected with Ramakrishna in 1881 . When he sang a song and his guru said him to come his home . When one day , Swami Vivekananda went to his home and asked from Ramakrishna , " do you believe in God , have you seen God . please give me its proof . At this time , Ramakrishna said , " yah ! I am seeing God , as I am seeing to you . There is not Vail me and God . His wording was so spiritual and Swami Vivekananda felt truth in his words . After this , Swami Vivekananda often went to Ramakrishna and tested his Guru but after 4 year testing , he believed in God and felt that Supernatural power . In the last days of Ramakrishna , Swami Vivekananda learnt many things from his Guru . In 1885 Ramakrishna suffered from throat cancer . Ramakrishna's condition worsened gradually and he expired in the early morning hours of August 16, 1886 at the Cossipore garden house. According to Swami Vivekananda, this was Mahasamadhi . After this all responsibility had been taken by Swami Vivekananda for development of spirituality in this world .

1886, Narendranath  had changed his the name "Swami Vivekananda" after Monastic vows

 Teaching in Spirituality

Travels in India (1888–1893)

Places where Swami Vivekanada Visited in 5 years as monk and taught great lessons of Spirituality to Indians. 

 Swami Vivekananda visited many places in India on his foot before reaching Chicago . In these places included Varanasi , ayothya , Lucknow , Agra , hathras , varandavan , Allahabad , dehradun , haridwar , Srinagar and other cold cities of hymaliyas .

Travels Out of India (1893-1902)

Swami Vivekanand taught in The Parliament of the World's Religions at the Art Institute of Chicago on 11th Sept. 1893

First of all, he prayed goddess of learning Saraswati Mata.

and started his teaching with  "Sisters and brothers of America!"

 Vivekananda had taken two quotes of  quoted  "Shiva mahimna stotram":

 "As the different streams having their sources in different places all mingle their water in the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take, through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee!" 

It means, Sea is one, there are lots of rivers and raining and other water and its destination is sea. Same, dear God, you are our destination and we have to join in you because you are teacher of teachers. 

and "Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths that in the end lead to Me."

It means, God is one. Way of reaching to god are different. But all will reach to one God. 

Other Teachings to Humanity

1. Every soul is drop of rain which has the potential to absorb in God sea. For this, you have to focus (meditate) 
2. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.


It was the day of 4th july 1902, he took mahasamādhi at 9.20 pm and left his physical body after his death. This day, early in the morning, he meditated 3 hrs and taught the lessons to studetns in the class of Shukla-Yajur-Veda subject, sanskrit subject and philosophy of yoga subject.  


  1. Raja Yoga
  2. Bhakti Yoga
  3. Karma Yoga
  4. Jnana Yoga
  5. Vedanta Philosophy
  6. My Master
  7. Inspired Talks
  8. Supreme Devotion
  9. Practical Vedanta
  10. Speeches and writings of Swami Vivekananda
  11. Complete Works: a collection of his writings, lectures and discourses in a set of nine volumes

 Namesake educational institution


National Youth Day (India)

Memorial Read Also 

Video Biography
















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Swami Vivekananda
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