Today, we have come here to teach 5th part of "How to Become Rich in India?" In past part 3 and part 4, we have taught that the person who is doing job or the person who is employee, never become rich if he did not learn from job and start his or her own business.
Employee has to face so many problems which does not face by businessman. In this motivational seminar, I will tell that there are lots of types of businessmen or businesswomen. I will show two type of businessmen. One is successful and second is failure. Second type of businessmen have faced failure and then returned to job. In this lecture, I will teach also its main reasons. I will tell the roots of why any business stops within one year.Lots of business person started their own business and faced their losses. They did not learn from this but they have left the business. So, this is wrong. By doing this, you never become rich.
I am taking the example to show where businessmen are doing mistakes. You will also check where the good businessmen gave their quality. Simple Example Suppose, Govt. of any State of India is interested to supply the water to any village where is no water. This village is 20 kilometer far from the river of water. There are lots rocks between the village and water source. So, there is no stable road for supplying the water through vehicles. It is the responsibility of Govt. to supply the water to this village. Two businessmen came in the front of Govt. after advertising in the newspaper. In this advertisement, Govt. demanded contractors for supplying water to the village. This is businessman 1 and this is businessman 2 who have given promised to supply water at minimum cost. Govt. has also trust on these both businessmen. Govt. is ready to pay the fees of this service. Now, there are two partner. Businessman and Govt. Govt. has taken deal with both businessman separately. Businessman 1 has bought two buckets for taking water and supplying it to the villagers. See these two new buckets. Suppose businessman 1's home is in the middle of village and source of water. By taking blank buckets, he went to the source of water and then returned to the village. Villagers were happy. Govt. was also happy because his fees was Rs. 1000. Cost of two water buckets was Rs. 400 and Rs. 600 was his labor. Govt. was giving same fees to businessman 1. Businessman 2 was not showing anywhere. He has hidden. Now, Govt. has become dependent and helpless because businessman 1 has created monopoly with his hardwork. Businessman 1 worked same work everyday. After three months, businessman 2 came with full of his team. In his team, there are the experts like plumbers, welders, helpers, engineers, builders and investors. Remember, there is no money in the pocket of businessman 2 and govt. also does not want to invest in this project. So, businessman 2 contracted business deal with all the members of his team. All these team joined the pipes and made the lenters within 10 days. Project was ready. Now, water is coming in the village. Per bucket water cost is 0.000000005 paise. So, it is so cheap. Govt. is so happy to see this lowest cost. Now, businessman 1 has also bought two new buckets for his wife and children and now its cost is Rs. 200 per bucket water. But Govt. has rejected to buy this water from businessman 1. Businessman 1 was failed because he did not follow following great rules of success in the business. 1. Idea 2. Team 3. Help to public at lowest cost Now, businessman 2 has become rich in India. He also get the contract of next 10 village water supply at almost zero bucket water. If he can rich, you can also become rich by following great principle of successful business. Always think great business ideas. Make great team. Help at lowest cost.
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