Dear friends, today we are again in front of you in the fourth part. In the previous part of How to Become Rich in India, we had told some differences between a businessman and an employee. Today, we will go more deep of it.
1. To become rich, you need to think big: -
Today we are taking this series forward, see, this is the employee, this is the businessman and the woman, so we will differentiate between them who will become rich, on one side there is the employee who thinks that he will have to do another job to become rich. When he is not satisfied with a job or my expenses have increased, then he moves to another high paying job, that is, his work was good there, he used to work with pleasure, he takes the greed of his mind and goes to another direction. Then he realizes that the expenses have increased even more, so he keeps roaming like this all his life.
So the businessman does research on increasing cash flow, cash flow from assets.
Now what is the thinking of a businessman that how should he earn maximum money by investing minimum money and one does business, another does business, third does business and continues to do business, then whichever asset performs best for him, he gets more. He invests more, his method to become rich is very simple and his path is absolutely correct.
Now look, let me teach you this with an example. Look, this is an employee who wants to become rich. He has a jug. If there is a jug, he wants to add water in it. Water means whatever jug he has, he wants to add money in it. Means as much as I can. Earn money from only one job. There is only so much in the world. The space of thinking is small. A small jug never holds water when it thinks that I can earn more money by doing one job, after that I do a second job, after that I do a third job. So he is never satisfied with this and time will keep him awake at night and his health will be harmed.
So this person, we can call him a businessman or we can call him a business woman, he also had a similar jug, he also wants to put money in it, Money Water, now as his business grows, what does he do, he increases the size of the jug. He will bring more jug, now there will be more water in it, now he has a very big jug, now I would like to tell you what is this jug, as the businessman's business grows, he increases the size of the asset, increases the number of assets. He has a small retail shop and gradually he dreams that he wants to open a big mall, then he gradually increases all his assets, he will buy buildings and infrastructure, he will buy machines and he will buy materials from which the finished product will be made and he will buy them, saying that his world will become very big
So his money will increase in this.
This is not possible in the employee because the space of thinking is small.
What is the space of thinking of a businessman? So, you have to make your thinking big. As your business grows, you have to keep increasing the number of assets so that the water comes in that big jug, that is, the amount of money you want to earn is as much as you can earn. capacity should be created
2. Become Rich by helping more people :-
Look, whoever is an employee, his help ratio is the same. He is one throughout his life, so his job is also one. How much will he do, he will spend more time in the same job, that is, he will complete a job with the power of his physical and mental health. , means he can only help his boss. Whereas this ratio of help of a businessman is 1:1000. Suppose there is one person, even if it is me, then I can do business in such a way that I am one and I have 1000 businesses. Every business is giving some help to someone. Thousands of tasks can be done with the same machine. With this machine, you can open an education center in a school, you can make CDs and sell them, you can promote online education with this, then the number of businesses increases. Similarly, his assets are equal to the amount of money he has, they are limited, there is a ratio, the assets of the businessman will also increase a thousand times, it will be very beneficial for the people to buy those assets, like me in the example. Let me tell you, there is only one employee, he has only one house, may be he is a businessman, he has to open many shops to do his work, he has to invest in a lot of real estate, then he may have 1000 shops or real estate. Another last point in this is that if the employee is single, how much donation can he make, maximum donation to one organization because the businessman is thinking that he has to help, he knows that service leads to inflow of money, cash inflow. If yes, then he is single and the organizations associated with him, whether profit organizations or not, he supports them, it can be 1000, so wherever support is available, he gets goodwill from it. Yes, this business is doing very well, its word of mouth marketing is everywhere. It keeps going on because the employee is donating at one place but he does not have the capacity, he has the capacity, he gives goodwill in different organizations from where he donates, those people say that he is doing good business, if his business does well then there he gets resources from it.
3. A man becomes rich by doing good deeds and industry.
The employee dreams and says, I will do this business, I will do this business, I will do this. The employee comes home all day, gets tired, does some entertainment and goes to sleep because he has never done business. The businessman acts upon what he says and shows it by doing.
What is it, he shows it by doing it today and does not leave it for tomorrow. And he succeeds and becomes Amir.
4. Taking loan does not make a person rich but poor
An employee takes a loan to fulfill his personal interests and spends his entire life repaying the loan, whereas a businessman earns income from the business and reinvests it in the business. He does not take loan and grows his wealth only through investment of income.
5. Buying in wholesale makes a man rich
Whatever purchase an employee makes, he always believes in buying every item with Buy in Tail.
Businessman who buys in wholesale
Look, as soon as you buy in wholesale, you will get huge profits.
discount a lot
higher profits
Discount will come whether it is food items, whether it is wearable items or living things, if he is investing in everything then he will definitely become rich because he will get discount discount discount in everything and he will become rich.
5. Looking at cheap alternative properties before buying property makes a man rich.
The employee says that he does not have time to do the research, hence he buys a property at an expensive price, whereas the businessman looks at other alternatives before buying and gets a valuable property at a cheaper price, which gives him huge profits. and makes him Aamir.
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