Friends, welcome to the second part of How to Become Rich in India. Look, every person who has come into this world has come empty handed, but when you become financially rich, you can do what money can buy. That is, good use of money. If you have money then you can distribute it to as many poor people as possible, you can distribute it to orphan children. If you do not have money then how will you give happiness to people. So let us move forward towards becoming rich from today. I told you that when you want to earn money, then keep a fixed date, in how much time, how much money do you want to earn. Let us assume that you earn Rs 10 lakh in a month, then for that If you have to provide any product or service, then we have seen that if the capacity of a person is less then he will have to add some partners with him who are experts, then you have to plan which product and service you have to provide and how you have done the work with your team. What salary is to be given to him or what share is to be given to him in the partnership?
1. Speak and Repeat to Speak Your Dream
After the discussion, we go ahead, today we tell you that even if you have fixed that you want to earn Rs 10 lakh and have also thought that you will give a product or service in return, then this one desire should come within you, the desire and we have fulfilled this desire. Have to repeat daily, repeat, have to practice, yes, I will earn only 10 lakhs, yes, from 1st August 2024 to 31st August 2024, I will earn only 10 lakhs, repeat this every day while waking up in the morning.
And in the evening, this desire of yours will become your dream. When these dreams of yours will become, the same thing will come in your dreams also, then this is the nature.
Nature will definitely give you 10 lakhs, when your dreams are not fulfilled, when you don't have any desire, why should nature support you, nature supports those people who nurture some desire, if someone nurtures a desire, then nature definitely gives that thing to him.
Desire is a small plant if you remember it means, you will give it water, manur and save it from animals. One day nature make it big and gives you fruits.
Keep repeating this every day, keep repeating this in your mind, your brain, in every part of your body, in every activity, these desires and dreams of yours should be fulfilled.
Trust is the second strongest rock to make you rich. To have faith. To have faith in the quality of your products. To have faith in the service you are providing is of quality. To have faith in yourself is very important. If you are giving 10 lakhs, then only if the product you are giving in return has quality, you will get 10 lakhs. If you do not have confidence in yourself, in your products, in your service, then you will never get 10 lakhs in a month. If you can earn then this passion of faith should be born in you day and night.
Let me tell you the story of a person who changed the principle of nature with these two things. The name of that person was Napoleon Hill. He had a son, that son by birth. He could neither hear nor speak, the doctors replied that nature had not made any machine inside him for neither hearing nor speaking, so what did his father do?
He did not get disappointed. He made a wish. He rebelled against nature that he would teach his children to speak and would give them the power to be able to listen. For this, he used to scream every day in front of his child, trying to make him understand. used to do but
The child kept looking at him, seven years passed like this, the father tried it on a machine, the child still cannot hear. While doing this, he installed a second machine, installed a third one, installed 500 machines but no one was applying to him, but the father he was, he did not lose courage. Every day, every day, he thought only one thing that someday my son will be able to hear. He would never be able to speak because he had complete faith in his desire.
He had complete confidence in this wish, for this he even sold his house and his land. Even if he had to take a loan, he did not shy away from taking the loan because he wanted to see his son listening, he wanted to see him speaking. So, by doing this, he lost at least 500 machines.
Experimented on many machines but the son still could not hear it, so one day an offer came from a company that it was a hearing machine, so he bought it, its cost was very high, took a loan from somewhere and sold the house. He bought it, his son is in college, once he experiments on that machine and sees that the son can listen to the professor, then the son's happiness knows no bounds that my father, working day and night, gave me more than 500 machines. I bought this machine today so I can listen to it, so his first call was to his father. When the father heard him because he was so crazy with happiness that he even learned to speak, there was no limit to the father's happiness, son.
Whatever he had, he comes to his father and says, Papa, the wish you had made and the trust you had shown in yourself has come true today. Today I can speak and listen, so Papa, I can love you as much as I can. This is a loan, the house you have mortgaged, the house you have sold, I want to bring it back, I want to sell this machine, just like you, just like your wish, just like your belief, I too have the confidence that I can sell this machine.
So the father said, let's sell it and show it, so he, his son, went to that company and told him about his project that I will tell people that they should buy this machine, so when the company heard his project, that person told those people. When he went to the businessman and told him about the features of that machine, When the person who could not speak or hear for 25-26 years told this to those people, even if the price was high, so many machines were sold. If so many machines were sold, then that son was a millionaire.
This world is full of biographies of such people. Those who had a wish and who had a trust have become rich. So why can't we become rich? We just have to create one wish, we have to keep the target in our mind day and night and have faith in it. Have faith that yes, I will achieve this, I will achieve the target I have set, the product I will give in return will be of quality and the service I will provide quality.
thank you very much
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