Have you small job or small business or small income from your small self-employed business? Have you dream to grow your wealth or become rich or grow your big business? Answer is, you need more money to save and invest every month in India.
But still we all come on one question?
How to Save and Invest More Money Every Month in India?
So, today, I am sharing my strategy which you can use to save and invest more than your capacity.
1. Open Post Office RD Account and Convert it in MIS On its 5th Year End Maturity and Double RD Amount After 5 Years
With this, first, you will open small RD of Rs. 1000 save per month through your small business income.
After 5 years, it will be 71,000
Now convert it in MIS which gives about Rs. 463 passive interest income
Now, After 5 years, open New RD with double Amount
Means Rs. 2000 pm
Now, you just income RD Rs. 1537 with your small income business and MIS Interest will support you rest Rs. 463
Now at the End of Next 5 Years or end of 10th year
You will have 71,000+143,000 = Rs. 214000 including compound interest
Now, do its MIS FD
Now, you will get MIS per month passive income interest = Rs. 1286
Now double RD of your past RD
That is Rs. 4000 per month
You have pay its per month installment
Rs. 2717 from your small business and Rs. 1283 from your MIS Passive income
At the End of next 5 years or at the end of 15 years, you will have
the Net Wealth in the Post Office = Rs. 213,000 (MIS FD Fund) + Rs. 287728 ( RD Maturity value) = Rs. 5,00,728
2. Invest in Gold Fund with Saving of Electricity
With using of solar plant, you can save electricity, this is truth. Suppose, you save Rs. 3000 per month, invest it Gold Fund by keeping fund for first 10 gram gold or buy gold online every month. Now, do it for 15 years
At the end of 15 years, you will be invested money in Gold =
3. Invest in Mutual Funds with Petrol Saving Fund
For this, you have to invest first Rs. 50,000 in good electric bike through your small business income or salary and then start to save petrol for next 15 years. If you save Rs. 2000 petrol per month by using electric vehicle,
and invest through your small business Rs. 2000
total SIP 4000 per month
you will save in mutual funds in 15 years
if a good mutual funds return 15% per year, then 15 years compound return =
Total value of MF you have just saved petrol bill and small income investment in 15 years =
For this, you have to invest your free time to write ebooks and then publish in own website or other ebooks store and get royalty per month.
Suppose, it is Rs. 5000
and you have invest same money per month in share market for 15 years in good stocks holding
and if average return is 15%
Your principal in share market will be at the end of 15 years will be = Rs. 9,00,000
and if return is 15%, then compound return in 15 years = Rs. 24,22,773
Total value of Share market portfolio you have invested your ebooks royalty in 15 years = Rs. 33,22,773
Now, we are totalling
Your total net worth at the end of 15 years = Rs. 93 Lakh +
Now, keep there next 5 years and your net worth at the end of 20th year = Rs. 1 Crore
Now withdraw and deposit it in your bank account and get interest of fd per month = Rs. 58,000 pm
If you use today plan, this will true in 2043