Rich peole saves the money for creating their wealth fastly in young age and their life airplan goes to the sky and where is less gravity of earth. So, they free from finance slavery. Come and learn why rich people saves money in 20 things
1. They Save from Personal Expenses Because
Rich people were not rich some time but they have made the habit to save money and invest it. Now, still they have same habit which make him richer. So, learn why they save personal expenses
In personal expenses, following are main
1. milk
2. food
Now, we calculate the price of it.
milk cost of minimum 2 Ltr is Rs. 3000
and food cost of minimum Rs. 7000
Total becomes Rs. 10,000
No, you say if they will save this Rs. 10,000, they will die.
No, this is not true.
they eat only for live and never go for doing job for others.
Suppose, from mind, you are rich person but still you are doing job. So, I ask question, you say first answer. I doing job for me and my family food. Great answer. Now, if you want to leave the job, you have to get passive incomes from anywhere, so, you need not job. Are you agree with me.
So, without investment of capital in any business, you never get passive income. So, rich people save the expenses for increasing their capital.
Now focus on figure.
For getting free milk, you need to have the cows and labour and their food and labourers.
Again convert it in financial figure
10 kgs milk giving cows price = Rs. 25000
4 Cows = Rs. 1,00,000
1 Labourer can handle easily 4 Cows and its per month cost = Rs. 15000
1 milky cows eats the food for milk = Rs. 5000
4 milky cows eat the food for milk = 20,000
If minimum Rs. 50 per kgs milk will sell, then total price of 40 kgs milk per day = Rs. 2000
30 Days earning for selling milk = Rs. 60,000
Now, Gross profit = Total earning from selling of milk - cow food cost - labourer cost
= 60000-20000-15000 = Rs. 25000
This Rs. 25,000 per month is passive income
for this, you have to invest
4 cows price = Rs. 1,00,000
1 Labour 12 months cost = Rs. 1,80,000
Food cost for one years for 4 cows = Rs. 2,40,000
Place for 4 Cows = Rs. 7,00,000
Electricity + Water = Rs. 1,00,000
Tempu for milk loading = Rs. 2,00,000
Total investment = Rs. 15,20,000
Now, rich people from mind will want to invest same money but from job, he got less income. So, he cut the expenses and start saying. Instead buying 2 Kgs milk, he drink only 500 gm milk and save money for achieving his big goal for getting earning+ free milk
Now second example is food
in food, there following things
cow food
and own food
in own food
1 fruits
2. vegetables
3. grains
4. pulse
All need
1 kila land = Rs. 10,00,000
Water and electricity = Rs. 2,00,000
and Vehicle for agriculture = 10,00,000
Labour cost for one year = Rs. 1,80,000
Total investment = Rs. 23,80,000
Now, you will earn and your and your all cow food will free. Rich people from mind wants to save money for this investment. So, they eat less for saving.
Except this,
there are lots of items, they spend less and save most of income like
1. Instead buying soup and powder of bathing and washing clothes, they want to manufacture them.
2. Instead buying dant manjan, they want to manufacture them
3. Instead buying daliya, desi ghee, they want to manufacture them.
4. Instead of buying havan samagri, they want to manufacture them
For investment in machines and plants, they need to invest in capital.
2. They Never Use of Credit Card and Pay Later and Pay Lazy Because
When they buy anything, they never use credit card, pay later and pay lazy because they know when they will unable to pay credit card and other other company on time, they have to face to pay interest on these type money. They never lose and waste money because they have to become richer and live at their level. All these things, first make them middle class and then make them poor.
3. They Never Take any Loan Because
Rich people know, if they will take the loan, they have to make compound interest and they want to make friend them. So, they never take any loan. With this, they save the amount of interest.
4. They Use their Resources with Full Potential Because
They use their resources with full potential because they know with this, they save money big and with saving they invest big
1. They save raining water
It is free resource. It can save their money. If you have free water, you need not invest money in electricity and sumbercible pumps. For saving rain water, they invest its resources and succeed
2. They repaired the resources which save money
for example if your inverter has dead and you are not getting solar energy, you will buy or repair it for using its full potential and with this they grow their wealth.
3. If they have free space, they give on rent and earn more money.
5. They Demand Discount Because
With demanding discount on buying, they save the money and with this saving, they grow their wealth. For this, they buying big and with its discount, they make the store.
Suppose, you have made the store with the amount of discount and you can save lots of items in it.
6. They Save Petrol Because
They save petrol. For saving petrol, they use electric vhicle. I bought my own electric vehicle withRs. 26500 and travelled 3900+ kms and it is my saving of petrol and I can use it for growing my wealth.
7. They Buy Less Because
They buy one bike, one car instead lots of car because they know accounting and accounting says them, these items have high depreciation and depreciation will decrease their wealth in future.
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