Do have big dream in the life and you want to feel that is impossible thing for you to achieve it. Please not hurry to think this. Yes, you can achieve impossible things in your life. Before you, there are lots of other great people came in this world who already achieved impossible things with these simple rules. You may think to reach on moon is impossible thing for you but already human being has reached on moon. You think, to fly in the sky is impossible thing but already human being has invented airplane. So, today, there is no word of impossible in the dictionary. If there is impossible word. It says loudly, I am possible.
So, start to follow these simple rules
1. Control Your Mind to Increase Focus on Impossible Things
First of all you have to control your mind. Mind has big energy. If you will waste it in lustful things, anger, jealousy and ego, you can not focus to achieve big things. Focus is power which comes from ind control. So, be brahmachari. Be peaceful. Appreciate what you have to achieve your big goal. By controlling your mind, you can increase your focus on impossible things because you have vital energy in your body. Your mind is pure and it can reach any where to think great ideas.
If your mind has the dust, it can not think great ideas. It will always to think bad ideas. Hate and revenge will its friend. So, remove your hate and revenge and increase your love and forgive power.
1) From today, stop masturbation
2) From today, stop to watch lustful contents
3) From today, read good books
4) From today, learn something new
5) From today, be peaceful
If you will not control your mind, it will addicted to consume everything in excess. Excess anything is poison. So, your mind will become full of toxin. He will become fool and even fulfill all desire, he will demand same thing like fire whose thrust never die even we give 10000 tonne petrol.
Only solution is peace of mind. Only solution control your mind and living life without attachment with material things. When your mind will become detach on material things, it become intelligent. It will become smart. It will conserve its energy and with same energy you can achieve impossible things.
Once a person has to go outside for doing business and earn money for his family and kids. He did great job. He did great business and he got great earned money. When he was returning, he joined a dance party and drunk alcohol and did bad work and slept. He knows everything that is unethical and wrong but he did not control his mind and morning, when he got up, he saw, he was on the road without his earned money and without dance party. When he slept like a dead body, thieves took his hard earned money. Is not true in your real life
When you are very near to achieve your dream. You will unable to control your mind. You think to taste of bad things and same bad things will become your bad habit and you never achieve impossible things because you have became more far from your goal. So, my brother, please control your mind.
2. Biggest Good AIM to Achieve Impossible Things
After controlling your mind and focus on biggest dream, you have to learn what is biggest good aim to achieve impossible things. If your WHY is strong. if your cause is strong. You will become strong to achieve impossible things.
I have strong why, that is reason, I achieved following impossible things
a) I ran 2.5 hrs non stop because
1. I have to inspire the world that our body is strong enough to run 2.5 hrs non stop without any injury.
2. I have already ran 1 hrs and wanted to show the world that we can increase our capacity because our birth is to growth. If I can run 1 hrs, I can also run 2 hrs and 30 minutes.
3. Today average person run only 2 kms. If my this action can motivate them to run 25 kms non stop, surely my dream will valuable
4. Everyone knows long running increases stamina. If my this dream inspires to make this stamina, they can easily win army and defense jobs and can also become great athletes. So, my dream is important.
b) I read 10 books in one month because
I have big why behind this
I had to read 10 books in one month because
1. I had to show to world that human mind is god gift and it has great ability if it is determined, it can focused on learning of great things in the life. Books are great source of learning in life. So, I chose 10 books and succeeded in my life.
2. I have already read 1 one book in one month many times. I have to show the world, Human body and mind can increase its ability 10 times.
3. Once, I listened, today reader is greater leader of tomorrow. All great leaders in science, maths, technology are those who are good reader. By achieving this dream, if I get succeed to show milestone, they can get the way to become leader in their field.
c) I have uploaded 1500+ YouTube Videos because
1. I have made 1500+ youtube video and uploaded and wanted to show that if anybody was able in anything in what ever situation, he can able again in what ever situation.
2. I want to teach the students of the world and youtube was medium for giving knowledge to my students.
3. I think, if by making my youtube video, ignorance of students can remove, I have to do this great work.
4. If any person achieved in any area extra ordinary, there was great teacher. By teaching and uploading same video, I have to become same teacher of future extra-ordinary people.
Once a person is doing a very successful business. He has habit to donate 1/2 out of his earning. Once due to flood, he lost everything. He lost the stock, property into water. He became beggar. He was begging on the road. A person was giving donation to him. He identified this great businessman. Few year ago, he helped me to free education. With this education, he is earning big money. He is thankful to this great businessman and sad to see his this situation. He saved Rs. 1 crore from his past earning. He helped him to set up his business again. From this story, we know that if you are achieving great dream and have great goal behind this, you can achieve all impossible things
Successful businessman was achieving great because his aim to donate helpless people
Due to uncertain time, he lost Rs. 1 crore stock, property due to water flood in his area
But his great things helped again to achieve same Rs. 1 crore. and it was in the form to whom he helped in past for free education and same person donated to same businessman.
So, from today, keep in mind
You want to achieve impossible things in life. But its aim to help whole world. Its aim to change the life of millions of people. Your dream helps big to others.
If you help helpless, it will also your help to achieve big.
Every morning, think, I got up early in the morning because by achieving big dream, I will change 1000 new people today through your every action
3. Do Action Now Because your every action is valuable
Remember, your every action is important. Never under estimate your action. Never lazy. We are all on the earth where we plant our own tree. If you do today action, you have planted today. If you will again tomorrow action, you have given it water. If you next one week and one month action, you are giving it manure and protecting its from animals and one day with your all action. You see big tree with full of fruits and this is the fruit of achieving of impossible things.
So, do your work. Remember. You cut what you plant. What you do, you will achieve.
Once a person wanted to become successful businessman. Every day, he only thinks about to start the business.But due to his lazy nature, he postponed his plan. He wasted his time. He wasted his money. He wasted his time. Now, he was 70 years old. No saving, no business. Living like a beggar. He met a great saint. He told his story
From last 40 years, he want to become successful businessman. Wanted big car, home, family and money but I could not achieve anything why
Great saint told that from last 40 years, you have just thinking but did not action for achieving them. You did not make action plan. Your thinking are becoming like file with no deadline and action. So, you are in this condition
If you are thinking to eat fruits. Without planting the tree and serve the tree, will you eat same tree fruit. For eating fruit, you have to take action to buy plant. Add it on the earth. Give water and manure. Safeguards from animals. After this, you can drink its milk.
He understood everything. Now at the age of 70 years, he started to action on his plan. Within 7 years at the age of his 77 years, he has a successful business in his hand. So, do action today.
4. Be Truthful for Your Commitment
Be truthful gives you tongue power. If you are truthful to your commitment, you will get power in your tongue. If you have committed and achieved all past goal. If you challenged big goal and will committed, your spoken words will true
If you say
I will win
Yes, you will win because you are truthful
If you say
I can do it
yes because you are truthful to commit this
Once a person lives in a big city and his father gave him big capital to invest in business and earn and become great businessman through its earning. But he has bad habit to speak lie. When his customers demands their goods, he spoke, he will bring tomorrow but there will not goods tomorrow. So, he broke his commitment and spoke like, his all customers did not like in his shop. He spoke lie to his creditor. He promised to pay their debt on the end of month but never paid. So, no one gives any loan to him. His credit score became zero. He started abusing his family members when he came home. Soon, no one comes for his help. He business suffered loss due to this. He is speaking lie and same lie is responsible for failure his business. So, remember, only truthful to your commitment can help you achieve impossible things.
5. Never Distract from Negative Things
If you have to achieve impossible things in your life, you have never listen negative.
Because negative thinking makes you negative. It has power to slow your action. If you are the company of negative people, leave it fastly. If anybody has spoken you bad. Never listen, go near with headphone with big voice and you are listening only
I am motivating from great motivators and he is saying
Never never and never listen negative people. Only you need keep your mobile always in your pocket and connected headphone wire in your ear and listening your and other motivating words.
Once a student is very good in the study. . But he has the company of negative friends who felt jealousy from his success. So, they started to distract him through negative talking with him. They always told him. Million of people are unemployed after 1st division in graduation. There is no job. There is no benefit of study. We smoke and enjoy the life. Start smoking and enjoy the life. With their negative talk, he left learning daily and started bunk from college. He started smoking. He failed from final exam. and he faced lung cancer. One day, he met a good person who listened his story. He told that you were very good student. Due to distraction from negative people, you become bad and failed. Now, leave bad company. break their friendship. Again admit and complete your graduation. He followed his advice. He left their bad company. He started study and he got first division in graduation. He also left smoking. Now, he is healthy.He tried govt. exam. and in second attempted, he cleared exam. and now he is govt. employee and living his successful life.
6. Good relationship Helps to Achieve Impossible Things
Yes, it is very true if you have good relationship with others, they will help you to achieve your impossible things. For example, I was feeling difficult to upload 1500 youtube video. So, I talked same with my team and they helped me to make it and helped me to fulfill my dream. It has be achieved due to my good relationships with other.
you have to focus to make good relationship with others. You are alone and when other joins with you became 11. Never forgot this.
7. Focus Today on Your Small Step
Always focus to achieve your small steps. Every positive step is important. It is small so, you can easily cross it without any stress. Second, small steps helps you to achieve big steps because every big steps joins with small steps. It is science rule. Everything in this world comes with joining of small atoms.
Sometime, we ignore to taking small steps because
we focus on big step
if you have the Rs. 20,00,000 you will open your shop. So, you will never come 20 lakh and you will never open shop
Instead this, you start your shop with Rs. 200 fruits and focus to club the earning into saving and investment and one day with this small steps, you have Rs. 20,00,000 for opening big shop
Candle is small but it can helps you even you want to find Rs. 20 crore diamond from the earth.
So, give value to candle.
Give value to your small steps.
With small steps, it is easy to go to 10 floor.