Do you want to know what are the main secrets of success. Yes, it means, you want to get motivation and again start your running for achieving the success. There are 3 main secrets of Success which you have to know and follow these secrets of success and the rule of success.
1st Secrets of Success : Good Habits Brings Success
If you have the bad habits, you will become bad and bad person can not achieve the success. If you have the good habits, you will become good and possibility of success will increase with good habits. Now, you have the curiosity, what are the Good habits? and how to get Good habits and make the part of life with good habits?
Be truthful, thankful and committed to your words are common good habits of the person but one of GREAT GREAT Good habit of a person, he or she is daily reader of Good books. These books may be motivational or relating to his field. With this, he go next good habit of learning daily something new.
You will be same next five years except for the people you meet and books you read. - Og Mandino
This is great quote of Og Mandino, you can not change the life if you will not read daily next five years and make reading as your good habit. There are millions of great teachers, you can only meet with reading of books. There are millions of great ideas, you can get by reading new books in next five years. I have also read 10 books in one month. You can also start this great good habit to read good book and learn something new daily.
Now, question is How to get good habits. Simple answer make its daily routine. You have to commit yourself.
(I) Every morning, I read good book for 15 minutes
(II) Same day afternoon, I read good book for 1/2 hr
(III) Same Evening, I read good book for 1 hr
Even you are going to walk in evening or morning, you can take the screenshot on the mobile and complete your daily reading habit on your mobile.
Second you make good habit to write daily priority tasks. Which work, you do first. One by one, you make lots of good habits regarding your life regarding behavior, eating and spending time.
Always remember
All successful people read books daily in the morning to inspire his life. This is their good habit.
All successful people write the thankful notes in every evening
All successful people does not waste their time in useless thinking, useless watching, useless listening, useless reading, useless writing, useless talking. They make next day goal and set the priorities of task and busy on next day to complete these tasks.
Conclusion : Good Books Gives You Good Brain. Success depends on the brain decision making in critical time. Only good brain can handle it which have the back of great books.
2nd Secret of Success : Believe on Yourself that You have Potential to Grow
You have to believe that you have great potential to grow in your life. You have only used 10% of your brain for getting success. This is second great secret of your success. Every-time, keep in the mind, you are able to get next success and next achievement. Believe every day, your skill level is increasing. Every day, your knowledge level is increasing. Every day, you are getting practical life experience, this is must for next level of success. All you are getting every day.
Conclusion : After opening 1st lock of success by 1st key that is reading Good Books, you will get Good Brain key for opening second lock of success.
Now, with this 2nd key, you have to open the second lock of success which is called fear. I can not get success. Start to believe that you can do. I do not have the resources. Start to believe that I have knowledge and tongue and hands to share same knowledge.
Success depends to take risk. Only good brain and confident people can handle it which have the back of great books and brain's mind-set.
3rd Secret of Success : Count Your Plus Points and Blessings of God
It is third and great secret of success that if you want to get success, you have to count your plus points and blessings of god and in your life. It will increase your confidence to achieve your goal, dreams and success.
Write, you are from the Great Country India
India is World Guru and from your blood, you can teach whole world and get success.
India is the sparrow of Gold. and you get it from your motherland. What ever you will do in this country, you get only Gold and you will get success.
India where are you living the motherland of great kings and saints. You are very near to them. They drank the water what you are drinking. So, it is very easy to get success like them.
Write, Where are you Working
I am working in Svtuition. The great institution. Great freedom to think. Great place to think great ideas and write. Opportunity, I can get here to teach world from my room office.
Except this, God has given you great eyes, great legs, great hands, great face, great smile, great face.
Conclusion : After opening 1st lock of success by ist key that is reading Good Books, you will get Good Brain key for opening second lock of success. and after opening second lock with your good believe system, you will get the key of opening third lock that is your own negative thinking. You think, you have lots of minus point.
Start to count plus points and you will get the 3rd key and open the 3rd lock with great ideas and In final, you will get diamond success.