No weak person can fight with a brave person. India's currency was being weakened and it has become so weak today that its value is decreasing day by day in the international market. On this day 26 March 2022 the value of 1 dollar is Rs.76. The value of 1 pound is almost equal to 100 rupees. That is, the Englishman who enslaved us 200 years , if he comes to India today, then by bringing only 1 pound, he can be the owner of 100 rupees of property here, when this 1 pound year 1947 was equal to 13 rupees. In 1947, one dollar was equal to 1 Rs. We have taken loan from World bank and it has given the condition of devaluate our currency 30%. Except, this weakness of Indian bad politics, we have lots of other weakness of Indian Currency Notes.
Biggest weakness:
Writing on Indian currency notes "I promise to pay the bearer the sum of (Rs. 10, 100, 500, 2000 or whatever currency the note is of)"
From 1947 to now 2022, these same incidents are making our currency weak. We know that it was created in 1935 by the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. This was the dirtiest law made by the white British. Which should have ended in 1947. But it was kept as it is. And written on everything except one note, I promise to pay ( 10, 100, 500, 2000 or whatever currency the note is) to pay its the holder and signed by the governor of RBI below
now understand what it means
Suppose I have 100 rupees of gold and and I have it in 1947, knowing that forever 100 rupees gold will remain 100 rupees from 1947 to 2022, I sold this gold for 100 rupees and the governor of rbi I am saying that you have sold gold and I gave you 100 rupees of paper, 100 rupees are written in it, so I can give only this paper note but it is not worth it is the biggest fraud of the British
In 1947 gold was 10 grams worth Rs 100
Today in 2022 the value of 10 grams of gold is Rs. 54000
I trusted the governor of the black law made by the British and bought my 10 grams of gold for Rs. Sold 100 in 1947 but today the same gold cost me Rs. 54000 not getting back Rs. 100 with same weight
This fraud did not happen, it is just a property which went out of India at cheap prices. From 1947 to 2022, there are thousands of such properties which we sold to America and England and its companies on the basis of this fake promise. And today our weakness of this currency has made us poor and weakened our economy. Due to this banking system getting poorer and poorer
Second, by giving this Indian currency note, the value of money is taken at cheap prices and this value is sold at mere prices.
When you deposit money in the bank, you get only 3% interest and the same money is given at 10% interest. Due to which the poor became poorer and becames rich more rich and due to this gap, India became financially weak and the bank makes black money and gives it by white, without printing notes.
How to
A. Deposit Rs 100 with in any commercial bank Bank and in Savings Account to earn 3% interest for the year. Now the bank gave the same note as a loan on 10% interest to person B and the one who got it took the goods and then 100 rupees came to the same bank and now the note is not printed but the bank has 200 rupees for giving loan and the bank has paid 200 rupees. This cycle continually work to increase fake currency, it became Rs 400 and the bank gave a loan of 400. This has become 100 crores and the bank has given a loan of 100 crores and the note is printed only 100, the rest is black currency, which is made by the bank and the central bank and world bank , which is made by the black law of the British and weakening the country's economy.
So if you want to strengthen India
If you want to eliminate black money
If India has to make gold bird again
So the transaction in this currency made by the British law will have to be stopped.
You have to close your bank account. If not all you have to withdraw your FD and start your own business and minimize your bank transactions.
You have to start barter system of buying.
You have to stop imports.
Have to swear that neither to take loan nor to give
When you take Indian currency notes, you give a kind of loan to the governor of RBI
So he already puts the condition that I can only give this note to the holder instead and it's not worth even after 1 year.
Value without note what is the value
This is the illusion of banks, which you have to understand.
I can only give this note to the holder instead of this note, here also it is 420
Suppose you have 10 notes of 1 rupee and 1 crore like this, then after 10 years , no one can publish same note of 10 at the cost of 1 Crore, its cost will more than one crore.
Because after 10 years the number of trees will be reduced and the cost of making one crore notes of Rs.1 will come to 10 crores (approximate)