To sorting of material is very necessary for keeping right material at right place and it will help us to find material fastly. Following are the main ways to sort the material into Groups
1. With manufacturing way
Raw material
finished material
2. On the basis of purity
pure material
impure material,
3. On the basis of use
building material.
Material used to retained heat
Material used in nuclear power
4. On the basis of Production
One object can become with different material
See Example
Object is Chair
It can be made by wood, steel plastic mixture.
Objects is pen
one material can make different objects.
Material is Wood
We can make lots of objects from this wood material
like wooden chair, wooden bed, wooden table, wooden rack.
5. On the Basis of Property
It is very easy, if we know the properties of different materials, we can easily classify them and keep in one group. So, as science student, you should know them.
1. Appearance
Appearance is first property of material. When we see different material, they will look different and by closing eyes if we touch, the feel different. Plastic will look different from wood. Wood will look different from steel. By closing eyes, touch steel glass and mud glass, you can feel the difference. That is appearance property of material.
2. Hardness or Softness Property
Some material are hard when we touch it and it will press properly. For example steel glass. Other materials are soft. They can easily compressed like sponge or chalk or cotton bag. Material which are hard and if there is scratch on it, we can add soft material powder for closing its scratch.
3. Soluble or Insoluble Property
The material which can mix in other material or water and disappear own existence, we will say soluble material. For example, salt, sugar, chalk powder.
Material which does not mix in other material or water, will be insoluble material. Like sawdust or sand
Some liquid may be soluble or insoluble. Fruit juice is solubility in water. But mustard oil does not soluble properly in water.
Some gases can mix in the water like Oxygen can easily mix in the water.
4. Float or Sink Property
Any material which is insoluble will either float or sink
Float material are those which can easily come on the surface of the water l
ike wood, leaves or plastic.
Sink material are those which can easily reach at the bottom of water. Like iron key.
5. Transparency or Translucent or Opaque
If any material will allow the light to cross its whole body, it will become transparent material and it will have transparency property. We can see fully back of same material
If any material will not allow full light to cross its body, it will translucent, we can see back of this material blur
If any material does not allow to cross its body, it will be opaque like brick wall. We can not see back of brick wall.
6. On the Basis of Form of Matter
Solid matter is those matter which has the fixed shape, size and volume. For example see following 2 Kgs iron weight which is balance other matter on weight machine.
There are other examples are the books, mobile and tree. its atom tight each other with the strong force of attraction.
Liquid is the matter which does not has own shape but it takes the shape of sold container. . It has size and it has volume quantity which we can measure. We do not define its shape. Its atom are not tight with each other, so, it can take the shape of container. For example, we will keep the milk in jug, it take, jug shape. If we keep milk in glass, it will take glass shape.
Gas is the matter which does not fixed the shape, size and volume. Its atoms are not tight with each other with the force of attraction. There are space between each atom. They can go anywhere in empty space. It may be visible and it may be not visible as the type of gas. Its molecules can made of one type of atoms like oxygen or combine of different type of atoms. Molecule is the combination of two or more atoms.
Plasma is not solid, liquid and gas matter. It is fourth type of matter. It is extra state where we find ions gas in which number of electron and proton are equal and Its electrons are free instead join with atoms. Because free travelling the positive and negative particles, plasma becomes electrically conductive. Lighting is the example of generators of plasma