Following is the list of 5 main reasons of Failure to Achieve Dreams.
1. Not Focus on Dream
Just saying, I have big dream is not enough and never contribute to achieve dream. It is just your desire which comes and goes but dreams will only comes and you start to focus on it. You only see it like bird eye and nothing Other things you see.
Yes you have to live always by living your life in it and failure in it is the first reason to failure to achieve your dream.
2. Not Visualise Your Dream
If you don't conceive that you have achieved your dreams, you never achieve it. Many people fails to achieve dreams because they are unable to visualise. They always says negative. It is impossible. I am unable. It is not possible. It is out of my capacity. It is not reality. I have no right to dream. All helps you visualise you as you are failure and reality comes in your failure.
So, Stop this and change your pattern of thinking
Before achieving dreams visualise, you have achieved your dreams. For example, I have to write 3000 contents, this is my dream, I am visualising, I am writing this content and contents like this and I have achieved my dream. With this attitude, I have to write only 866 contents and rest, I wrote.
Whatever is your dream. Visualise and see your Self as doing action and dream had achieved.
3. Not Reminding Yourself
Without notification, you delay the action and getting only loss.
Notification of early morning in ring and you get up early in the morning
Notification, you received that you got sales in your email and your started to pack for delivery
Notification, you receive from your timer you start Exercise and stop exercise
Notification of phone call, notification of new YouTube video, all are part of our Life.
When everything has notification for your success but you didn't set notification for your own dreams and that is reason you fail to achieve dreams.
Notification helps to remind
Notification on your mobile that you have to achieve your dream at any deadline time. It may be 5 year, 6 months or 1 month
You set in calendar
I will achieve dream on 5th October 2021 and I have to do work today. That is good notification. Every morning, it must be on your mobile.
Notification on your wall of office, on your kitchen and bedroom. All will help.
Share your dreams on Facebook and whatsapp status.
Everything remind you.
4. Not manage your dreams
You don't manage
How, when,where and what action you will do for achieving your dreams. Due to failure to manage, you fail to achieve your dreams. So, make better manage by better plan.
Plan of every action which will sub goal for your big goal.
5. Not taking action for dreams
Your laziness is your main reason to fail in achieving your dreams.
You fail because you didn't take today action
You fails because you have postpone your actions
You fails because you feel that you have tired before taking a single action.
and sleep only or entertainment with movie and didn't workout and fail to achieve dreams.
You fails because focus on fear that action will
be make you fail and people will laugh on my failure and better is not to take action
All these things will make you fail to achieve dreams. So, take action now and secure your success.