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How to Overcome Failure in Business

Following are the 6 Simple Steps to Overcome the Failure in the Business

1. Accept the Failure

When you accept your failure in the business, your mind will become peaceful. All anxiety has removed by accepting it. After accepting, you can easily take positive actions to improve it. You loss the money in the business. See your ability that you have the money and God has given you ability to take this big risk and now next time, you have to take risk more intelligently.

2. Think Positive 

You have to think positive. Focus what are the root of causes of your failure in the business. 

Did you hurt your customers.

Start to say sorry.

Did your customers hurt you

start to forgive them. In business every failure teaches you great less. See in your last business failure, where is your strength point. Only do hard work on same your strength point. 

You have to speak load

I have failed because I have ability to get success.

I have just focus on the my ability and desire to get success

Your positive words must be powerful

I am the best

I can do this

I will win

God is with me

Today is my day

These positive thinking will give you great ideas

Ideas of substitude business starting where is your strength

I did same and converted my failure as my success

3. Stop to think negative

If you fail, you start to think fearful. This is big negative emotion which attach with you after failure. 

You fear from taking new positive action

You fear from taking new risk

You fear to invest more money

You fear to do the business

For overcome your all negative thinking, you must start meditation. You have to blank your mind box where is all negative stuffs. 

Next, you have to thankful to others who gave you less

If your customer has stopped to buy from you, you have to thankful that give lesson where you have to improve

If your supplier has stopped to supply, you have to thankful that they give you next opportunity to produce it yourself

If your employees have stopped work with you, you have to thankful to give you the opportunity to find new talents. 

All your negative thoughts are your weakness

Stop it by bringing positive thoughts and focus on your strength. 

4. Start and Complete Small Goals Daily

For example, you have come to zero earning after big loss in your business. 

You make start daily small goal

1st Goal : Write your 1000 word's one content daily and publish online. In this, you can share your free knowledge and show ads of your ebook. If not ebook, these content become the ebook because after 30 days, you have the 30 pages and 30,000 words and show same book ads in each content and start earning from sale of this ebook. I used it and I have earned good income from this small action

2nd Goal : Daily upload a small 10 minutes video on youtube and start  to give your whatsapp no. for your paid service. For example, you have good knowledge in share market and you have lost big income. Share your knowledge and start to train others by getting fees. This is good way to convert your failure into your success

5.Never Give up

In the life, you have never give up. Try, try and try

You see if you will start to cut the tree and if you will try and try and try and one day, you will learn to cut the tree.

If you will not after failure and try and try to do business better way and one day, you will get the success in your business

6. Change the Way of Your Learning and Working 

You have to focus to follow good habits.

You have to stop late working

You have to get up early in the morning

Change your all bad habits with your good habits

In your life, you will not get success if you do whole life what you are doing in the past. So, change the secret of any successful businessman. 

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Svtuition: How to Overcome Failure in Business
How to Overcome Failure in Business
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