Following are the notes of professional programme cs.
Level of knowledge : Expert knowledge.Objectives :(i) To provide conceptual clarity about the management tools and techniques used in financial planning, analysis, control and decision making. (ii) To provide knowledge of derivatives, forex and treasury management to enable the candidates to tackle practical situation with ease. |
Detailed contents : |
(A) Financial Management |
1. Financial Management Basics
2. Capital Budgeting Decisions
3. Capital Structure Decisions
4. Sources of Finance
5. Dividend Policy
6. Working Capital Management and Control
7. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
8. Financial Services
9. Project Planning and Control
10. Derivatives and Commodity Exchanges
(B) Treasury Management |
1. Meaning of Treasury Management 2. Functions of Treasury Management 3. Objectives of Treasury Management 4. Scope of Treasury Management 5. Relationship between TM and FM 6. Role and responsibilities of chief finance executive 7. Tools of treasury management 8. Internal treasury controls 9. Environment for treasury management 10. Role of information technology in treasury management 11. Liquidity management 12. Regulation, supervision and control of treasury operations 13. Implications of treasury on international banking 14. Recent Developments of Treasury Management |
(C) Forex Management |
1. Meaning and Nature of Forex Management 2. Significance of Forex Management 3. Scope of Forex management; 4. foreign exchange market 5. Structure Forex Market 6. Foreign exchange rates 7. Determination of Forex Rates 8. Exchange rate quotes; 9. Types of exchange rates; 10. Forex trading; 11. Currency futures and options; 12. Foreign exchange risk exposures and their management; 13. Exchange rate forecasting; 14. Risk in foreign exchange business. 15. Recent Development of Forex Management |
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DeleteNotes Professional programme CS | Svtuition for have many goood contents! Thanks!